Truth Social Breaks Records: Reasons for a Great Start to a New Social Network

a New Social Network

Can Truth Social become the new top social network on the wings of the ‘main influencer’, former US President Donald Trump? What results did Truth Social achieve in its first hours and days? What are the functionalities of Trump’s social network and who can use it?

Long-Announced Project by Ex-US President Trump

Truth Social is a long-announced project by former US President Trump, which finally came to life in the public at the end of last month. After lengthy preparations and refinements, Trump’s social network, which will be characterized by independence from politicking, has finally got its first real users. According to the current results, Truth Social started very ambitiously and powerfully.

The interesting social network Truth Social is special primarily because the background of the whole story hides a kind of resistance to the political currents that rule the world today. The network should be the basis for independent and colorless reporting, where there’ll be no unwanted censorship and bans on expressing views. But all the details about the Truth Social Network are revealed below…

It Arose as a Revolt Against the Blocking of Trump’s Facebook and Twitter Profiles

Truth Social can certainly owe its initial popularity to the fact that former US President Trump is behind the network. Namely, this new social network was created as a kind of resistance to other modern networks that are increasingly prone to censoring various types of content. According to introductory information, Truth Social should be a free network where the right of every individual to express an opinion will be respected and there’ll be no censorship present on other social networks. 

If we take a look at history, we’ll recall how President Trump enjoyed great popularity on his Twitter profile, where he regularly published news from his life and the functioning of the state. But after Trump started losing in the presidential election, the rhetoric intensified, and he was soon punished by blockades for it.

Facebook and Twitter, two popular networks used by Trump, blocked all of his posts in a short period of time – arguing that it was justified censorship after violating network rules. Sure, it’ll remain forever unclear whether Trump was telling the truth or a lie, but the fact is that he ended up in a blockade on social media because of his sharp language. As a rebellion against such blockades and numerous censorships of like-minded people, Trump has decided to invest in the development of his own social network, which will be politically independent and promote freedom of speech.

After being tested and upgraded in recent months by Truth Social, this new social network has finally seen the light of day. Based on resistance to all other political regimes and increasingly strict policies of censoring content on social networks, Truth Social brings refreshment to the social media scene. Whether the idea of ​​censorship will come to life will be shown in the coming months and years.

Truth Social as a Kind of Combination of Twitter and Instagram

Among the many social networks available, Trump preferred to post on Twitter at the time of his popularity. Therefore, it’s quite logical that his new social network is inspired by Twitter. According to the first information from users and analysts, Truth Social is a kind of combination of the functionality of Twitter and Instagram.

The social network was officially launched by the Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG), backed by Trump’s longtime ally Devin Nunes, who’s a Republican Representative. As we’ve already said, the main feature of this social network is freedom of speech, and one of the basic postulates of the Truth Social network is “free from discrimination against political ideology”.

Posts on this new social network are called “truths”. It’s possible to share text and multimedia posts, and it’s also possible to share links to external sources (news, photos, videos, etc.). Users can correspond with each other in private messages, and can also leave comments below the posts. Of course, users can edit their profiles with attractive photos, avatars, and backgrounds. We can say that the new Truth Social network is practically identical to most of the other popular social networks we have in the world today. Of course, the emphasis is on freedom of speech and political diversity. There’s no accessible information on which niches will be allowed to freely advertise on the network, for instance, will online casinos at will get their space on Truth Social. 

With its appearance, the new Trump social network is irresistibly reminiscent of the combination of Twitter and Instagram. Therefore, it’s very intuitive for end-users and we are pretty sure that most users will easily grasp the basic functioning of the network, especially if they have already used one of the popular social networks.

Limited Network Availability

This social network is currently only available in the U.S. and only for iOS smartphone users. It should be noted that developers are rapidly working on developing a network version for the Android phone so that users of Android devices could also soon enjoy content from the Truth Social network.

According to the announcements that can be seen on the official website of the social network, it’s stated that the network will be available in various other parts of the world in a short time. The launch of the project itself is actually reminiscent of most other major US software projects, where a database of domestic US users is built first, and after repairs, the social network becomes active around the world. The question is whether the same will happen with the Truth Social network because investments in the global expansion are huge, and user response dictates what will happen with the future of the network.

In the event that the network becomes extremely popular in the United States, it is quite likely that it’ll expand to other major countries in the world. Of course, Europe is one of the first candidates in which we could start expanding the Truth Social Network, but we believe that this won’t happen in the coming months because everything is still in its infancy. Many users who have downloaded the application report that errors often occur due to server overload, which is one of the fundamental problems that need to be resolved in the coming days. On the other hand, it’s a good sign that the network is gaining momentum and is rapidly gaining in popularity.

A Waiting List of 100,000 People to Join Truth Social

Truth Social, like other new social networks, will almost certainly have issues with server breakdowns and user management in the early days. Surprisingly, Truth Social’s troubles began on the first day of the public announcement, when the server and application were unresponsive to a big number of users on most days. When trying to connect to the social network, many users received an error message, and many only succeeded to login after more than five attempts. However, those who were fortunate enough to make it past the application stage were met with a waiting list of almost 100,000 people on the first day. Given the high level of interest, it’s no surprise that servers are overburdened.

The data plainly suggests that Truth Social is growing at a breakneck pace in its early stages, but the issue will be what happens once the initial wave of user enthusiasm fades. Specifically, if the social network has high-quality content and engagement, it will pique users’ attention; yet, if it’s devoid of both, people will swiftly abandon it. But, for the time being, all signs point to Truth Social becoming the next big thing in social media, and we’ll have to wait and watch how far it spreads in the months and years ahead.

Truth Social was launched in under 24 hours, with the number of downloads placing it first in the App Store’s popularity rankings, which is a fairly valid indicator of user interest. On the other side, many users were placed on a standby list on day one, with over 100,000 people being detected in less than 24 hours. Of course, the waiting list changes and corrects as needed, so some people are immediately freed from the queue and into the program. However, the fact that more than 100,000 people have signed up for the waiting list in just one day is commendable and indicates a solid future basis.

It should be mentioned that the network is presently only available in the United States and to iOS users. As more users have access to download choices, interest may grow even more. Even still, Trump’s present performance is impressive, and it appears that he may soon have a new forum on which to promote his ideas and opinions – free of political bias.

Will the Network Be Truly Uncensored and Politically Discriminatory?

Although the concept of an unfiltered network where everyone can communicate their truth is intriguing and beneficial, it’s likely that such a system will be difficult to maintain. Specifically, each person thinks in his or her own manner, and each person believes in his or her own version of the truth. As a result, there may be a series of ‘online riots’ in which people with opposing viewpoints brawl, with ferocious and nasty terminology being employed in these debates. It remains to be seen whether such action will be sanctioned in any way.

Many people, on the other hand, are unsure whether Trump’s social media platform will help him communicate his beliefs to fans and thereby launch a new political movement. For the time being, it’s difficult to predict and specify which way the new social network will expand and what its final reach will be. It’s fantastic news that the network is off to a terrific start, that it has a lot of early momentum, and that users are complimenting the social network’s attributes for the time being. Designers of the network have taken all of the aspects that users love on other networks and may have developed a new network success. If Trump also works to popularize the network, it has the potential to become very popular in the United States and around the world.