How To Make Work From Home Fun and Interesting

How To Make Work From Home Fun and Interesting

A year has passed since we all were introduced to work from home scenarios. Now, it’s like a daily routine that we all follow religiously. When you get into the habit of doing something regularly, boredom cannot be kept away from it. It becomes more of a monotonous routine. More so some of you even start to hate it and it becomes a hideous task. Let’s make it fun and interesting because we all have to live long with it. When work is fun, it is not working but the other way around can be suffocating. 

1.Listen To Music: If you can focus, listen to music while working. Music will uplift your mood, thus allowing you to enjoy the work. According to searches, music helps in creativity as well. If you are into a creative job like a content writer, graphic designer, video editor; try this out, maybe your creative juices will start flowing. You can tune in the earphones or put them out on speakers if you love loud music. You can create a work playlist to get into the mood. 

2.Take a Break: Many of you like to complete your working hours at a stretch. From morning to evening, you are glued to one place with fingers running incessantly on the keyboard. This is harmful to both your mind and body. Your body will get tired sitting in one place and so does your mind. Take a break. Take short breaks in between as and when you can as per your schedule. Stretch your body, go out on the balcony, play with your pet, talk to your friend or family member. Do what you like to refresh your whole being and then get back to work. You will feel good. 

  1. Eat Something: You feel hungry while completing office deadlines. Do fuel your mind by eating something. Apart from meals, you can have small eating breaks. This is the time when you crave something savoury and tasty the most. You do not like to eat the normal main course. Have healthy snacks like poha, multigrain sandwiches, milkshakes, protein bars, cakes. Now, baking a cake would not be feasible in such a short period of time. So you can always order your box of sweet happiness online from a bakery shop in Dwarka. If a cake is too much, go with cupcakes, jar cakes, or pastries that will satiate your cravings in a single bite as well. 
  2. Create Your Workspace: The greatest benefit of work from home is comfort. One hour you would be sitting on the sofa and working. The very next hour you could be lying on the floor and working. The comfort that we all get while working at home can sometimes have downright. Comfort can make you lazy and less productive at times. Create your workspace, meaning decorate it as you like. Add green plants for greater productivity. Install bright lights, some motivational quotes to keep you inspired all throughout the day. Likewise, you can browse for workspace decorating ideas and do it accordingly. 
  3. Leave Home: Keeping your safety requirements in mind in lieu of the COVID-19 pandemic; leave the house as and when you can. Working inside the four walls continuously for hours can be suffocating. Leave the building at least once. Your body needs a change of space, natural light, and fresh air. If possible, you can work in isolation in a work cafe or a park for a good change of scenery. 
  4. Be Playful: Several office setups have a dedicated play area for a purpose. It is meant for employees to relax and rejuvenate. Now, when you are working from home, give yourself the liberty and time to play at home. You can play the same games you used to in the office like foosball, table tennis, cards, carrom, or any other game. Please do not play games on mobile phones because your eyes need some time away from the screens.

As we all are bound to live with the new normal for a time that can’t be estimated. Let’s make work from home fun and interesting. Incorporate these ideas and let us know what wonders did you notice.