Logo design ideas


A unique logo (emblem) is an obligatory attribute of every good website. The presence of such a branded element on the home page shows visitors that they have come to a serious resource, whose reputation is not indifferent to its owner. In addition, a quality logo helps visitors to remember the site more easily to distinguish it from thousands of others in the future.

Why do you need a logo?

The logo is the first visible sign that distinguishes a company in the market. What is more, most people are visual – they remember the image the fastest, not text or sound. On the other hand, an attractive logo can attract potential customers who encounter the brand for the first time.

For this reason, it is a good idea to present yourself to customers from the very beginning. Professional services and valuable products are of course very important, but let’s not deceive ourselves – an elegant logo is a basis for effective marketing.

Greater brand recognition

This – often small – graphic symbol will make you stand out. Among many Internet users, there are visual people, and only thanks to your logo they will be able to remember you. In times of huge competition and intensively developing e-commerce, it is essential.

An elegant logo shows your professionalism

How many professional companies do you know that do not have their symbol? Probably these are so few examples that you are not even able to recall them. This is due to one main reason – simply, at a certain stage of your business, it is not appropriate not to have a logo. This graphic symbol becomes a marker of your professionalism, approach to clients, and quality of service.

You will start creating your brand

Developing your own business is nothing more than creating your brand. When you build it then you will jump to the next level of professionalism and high quality of service. When users see your logo, they will begin to associate it with specific products or values. This will make it easier for you to reach your target group, but they will also connect the graphic symbol of your company with emotions, which are often responsible for making purchase decisions.

You will gain loyal customers

People like symbols and signs that they become attached to. You will surely find in your mind more than one situation when you have chosen a product of some brand completely mechanically. In this way you give up the competition, because you feel attached to the brand, and seeing a particular logo, you just automatically want to try this particular good or service. Such behavior is the key to success, therefore your company must have a symbol that will represent it and at the same time make it easier for users to choose your offer

Fundamental marketing tool

Remember that logo is not only an integral part of your website but also of all your marketing activities. Such a symbol is an important element of your products and promotional materials. Don’t forget also that the logo will link your social media accounts. Thanks to this, every user entering your fan page or Instagram account will know that it is created by you. This will make your marketing efforts more successful and you will see the benefits faster!

How to make a logo?

For the novice webmaster to get his logo is quite a challenge. It lies in the fact that the logo must meet several criteria simultaneously. He must:

  • be unique;
  • transmit the style of the resource and the company;
  • be memorable.

There is a whole direction in web design, which is engaged in developing quality logos for websites.

Modern reality offers many ways to obtain this important element, and they can be paid or free. Conventionally, they are all divided into 3 ways:

  • independent creation;
  • order from a designer;
  • the use of online logo generators.

So, let’s take a closer look at these popular and sought-after ways to create a logo.

Using online logo generators

Many resources on the Internet offer a large number of templates and blanks that allow you to get an acceptable result in a few clicks.

On some services, there is a rubricator that allows you to choose the basis for the logo by the subject of the resource. When all the changes are made, you only have to press the “ready” button and the image will be generated by you. Then, at the proposed link it can be downloaded.

The main and indisputable advantage of these services is their free-of-charge nature. In addition, an attractive graphic sign for a website can create even a person far from the basics of web design. But you must understand that such emblems will have a template character and you can not call them unique or creative. List of online services:

Logaster is a service that generates logos, with support for several languages. For a particular theme, this resource will generate for you more than hundreds of options for graphic signs, in which you can make changes (color, font, etc.), and then download the final version. However, for free you can download only a variant of a small size (for example, 145×75 or 354×75 pixels, i.e. for business cards), for the full size will have to pay (frankly a lot of money for a fairly modest template graphic image).


This is a simple logo generator with which you can make a logo in just a couple of minutes.


Logomaker is a useful resource that allows you to choose the icons you like from a large collection of themed icons, add text to it (2 lines of different formats), and by giving the mailing address to get the result.


Simwebsol/Imagetool is a free online tool for creating graphic emblems and signs. The service allows you to choose:

  • font;
  • font size;
  • foreground color;
  • background color;
  • add special symbols and effects.

You can save the final version of the picture in PNG, GIF, JPG formats and download it right away.

Self-made logo

This is one of the easiest ways to create your logo, sitting at home at your computer. You can use special programs to create a graphic emblem. Here are a few of them:


Sothink Logo Maker Pro

Sothink Logo Maker Pro is an easy-to-use tool that allows you to create an attractive logo for a website in a few minutes. You don’t have to be a pro web designer to design a graphic sign for a website, a button, or an icon with this program. There are built-in templates (more than 90 pcs.), color schemes, and different styles, and you can export the results to graphic formats like JPG, PNG, BMP.


AAA Logo

AAA Logo is a simplified program shell for creating graphic symbols. It is suitable for beginners and people who appreciate simplicity and brevity. The disadvantage of this service is its low functionality.


The Logo Creator

The Logo Creator is a paid English program much more complicated than the previous one. It has 500 variants of different templates. You can create different graphic emblems with it:

  • corporate;
  • sports;
  • religious;
  • cartoon.

The program is very convenient and functional. With The Logo Creator, you can create your unique logo.


GreenBox Logo Maker

GreenBox Logo Maker is a paid tool that allows you to create professional emblems. The service stands out for its functionality and features. With GreenBox Logo Maker, you can create your unique logo without spending too much money and time.


Adobe PhotoShop

If you are familiar with PhotoShop or any other similar graphic editor, you will be able to create the original logo for your website on your own. If you have an acquaintance with the superficial editor, then lay out on the Internet a lot of “lessons” on the development of graphic elements. Adobe Photoshop is a professional, functional program that allows you to create your unique logo.


Ordering a logo design from a designer

If the development of a serious website will generate revenue, it makes sense to spend some money on a specialist. Freelancers can be found on the Internet exchanges. As a rule, such work will not cost too much, and the result will be an order of magnitude higher than if you use online services. The main drawback is that finding a good and decent performer is sometimes quite difficult. It is better not to count on the first option that comes along. To reduce the risks, you can read reviews or ask for recommendations on a specialized forum – you will be helped and advised by a specialist who is suitable for all your requirements.

If you want to be 100% sure of the quality of the logo you’ll get at the end, you should use the help of a design studio. Such institutions are not directly engaged only in the development of logos, they aim at comprehensive work on creating websites, as well as support and promotion of their projects. But if necessary, and can take a small amount of work, for example, to develop the emblem, for a third-party project.

However, please note that the cost of such services will be very high. On the other hand, you have to pay for everything – the development of the logo will deal with professional web designers and marketers who already have valuable experience under their belt. This option will suit a large company that can allocate a substantial budget to address this issue. By ordering such a service, you can be sure of an excellent result.


Logo ideas

Logo by Design Freaks


Logo by Md Rony Mondol


Logo by Tawhidul alam

Logo by Abu Talha

Logo by Abu Talha

Logo by Victor Murea

Logo by Niisheta

Logo by Ahmed Rumon


The logo is a sign that is responsible for the visual identification of the company. Its main task is to emphasize the individuality of the company and distinguish the company from its competitors. The mark is the first element that attracts the attention of the audience and at the same time represents the values of the company. That’s why you can’t skip it when creating the visual identity of your brand.