Stradivarius x Irene: The Summer Expedition


instagram-6 IMG_3687 stradivarius spring summer 2015 instagram-3stradivarius-coversplash stradivarius spring summer 2015 567B6564 Gladiators-summer-expedition-stradivarius 567B6577 instagram-1 567B6524 567B6862stradivarius spring summer 2015 567B6970 stradivarius spring summer 2015 stradivarius spring summer 2015 567B6835 stradivarius spring summer 2015Photo credits: Juanlu Real, Cucina Digitale

#TheSummerExpedition is a hashtag you have seen all last week in my Instagram feed and Facebook page. Well, I had the chance to leave Milan for 3 days to a much warmer destination: Taormina, Sicily. Stradivarius invited me and other 15 bloggers from all over Europe to enjoy the warm weather, tan on the beach and explore the Eolian Islands by boat… All this was captured by an extremely talented photographer. It was my first time in Sicily and, being italian, I think I could appreciate it even more than a foreigner. I mean, the food, the peaceful views, all the history and traditions, made me feel so proud of being a citizien of “Il bel paese”. It was a short trip, but SO INTENSE! Let me just tell you it all started with a fashion show on board of our Vueling flight to Catania. Two famous DJ’s presented the event and we saw 5 Stradivarius spring summer 2015 outfits walking the plane-runway, then we had to vote for our favorite one! It all started out in style, even more when I saw my room at the Capotaormina hotel… It was almost bigger than my place in Milan and the view was just breathtaking! After a few hours in the room, chilling and enjoying the silence of Taormina, we partied all night and had dinner by the pool. The day after it was finally all about our boat trip to the Eolian Islands: all day yachting between Lipari and Panarea. The water was one of the bluest I’ve seen in my life and we had time to jump in! It reminded me of my summer holidays with my family and friends, when almost everyday we would go out to explore the mediterranean sea by boat. Life is so much more beautiful on a boat surrounded by the sea blues. What happened next? Our Sicilian dinner, with live traditional music and a good glass of wine. The last day it was all about shooting some photos on the beach in our favorite Stradivarius looks… To see more make sure to head on Among all the good things this blog has made me achieved, this trip was surely one of the best and most fun things I’ve done. I am honest saying I am going to miss every single person that was with me on the trip, from the wonderful Stradivarius team, that spoiled us with gifts and any kind of surprise to the beautiful bloggers that joined the trip. It was magical!! What do you guys think? Xoxo, Irene