Mold Remediation Restoration


Why is There Mold in My Home?

There are many reasons that mold might be growing in your home, and all have to do with excess water or humidity in your home. This can happen from water leaks, foundation issues, floods, or other excess water. It can also happen in areas of high humidity where water collects in certain areas of the home.

The best way to get rid of mold is to call a professional (check this homepage) and have them remediate it. They have the right safety equipment and knowledge to do the job the right way. Having a professional do the job can assure you that the mold will not come back due to lack of cleaning. 

Below are the steps to remediate mold on your own, just be careful and follow all safety precautions as you go along.


1.Safety Precautions

Take these safety precautions, especially if you must remove mold in an area larger than a few square feet. Wear old shoes and clothes that can be thrown away after you do the job, they will have mold spores on them as you do the work. You also need to wear a mask such as an N-95 or P-100 respirators to make sure that you do not inhale any of the mold spores, wear goggles and gloves, as well. 

Make sure that you tape off windows and put an old box fan that you can throw away afterwards in the window. Spray down moldy areas to keep the mold spores from flying away. Turn of heaters or air conditioning to make sure that you are not blowing the spores around the house.

2.Remove Moldy Carpet

Spray the carpet down with a spray mist to control the mold spores before you begin. You will need to cut the carpet and pads into six by eight squares with a utility knife and remove it by placing it into a six-millimeter plastic bag and then double the bag. Tape the bags with duct tape and remove them for disposal. Make sure that you are wearing protective clothing and gear.

To learn more about mold and the dangers of mold, do a little research. You can find some more information here: This site can tell you all about mold and its dangers.

3.Seal Off Damaged Area

You will need to seal the room off so that the mold spores do not get into the rest of the home. You want to use six-millimeter plastic sheeting in an overlapping fashion over the doors and tape it with duct tape. Cover all the air vents using the same technique, you want to contain the spores in the room.

4.Open Moldy Walls

Use a pry bar to remove moldy drywall and trim from around the room. Use a screwdriver to probe the walls and insulation to see where the mold might be. If you suspect any areas of mold in your walls, remove that portion of the wall. When you think that you have found all the mold, remove a portion of the wall next to it just to make sure that you have all the mold.

5.Moisten and Bag All Moldy Materials

Before you remove the moldy portions of your wall, spray the portions down with a mist spray. You also need to be very careful when you are removing the wall so that you do not damage any electrical wires or get electrocuted. 

When you have the portions removed, bag them in a six-millimeter bag and then double the bag. Tie the bags tightly and then use duct tape to seal it up to make sure that the mold spores do not escape.

clean up

6.Clean Up and Repair

Finish up the clean up by using a wet-dry vacuum to sweep up all the moldy debris. Use an extra-long hose and keep the vacuum outside in the yard to prevent the mold spores from spreading. When you are done with the vacuum, throw away the filter by bagging it in a six-millimeter bag and sealing it with duct tape. Use a bleach and water solution to clean the tank of the vacuum cleaner. 

7.Use Mold Cleaner

Use bleach and water to make a solution that will kill the mold. You will use a quarter cup of bleach to a pint of water. Use a spray bottle to spray this solution onto hard surfaces in the room. Use a brush to scrub the moldy areas until the mold disappears. After you are done scrubbing, let the bleach solution continue to sit on the surface so that it will penetrate the surfaces and dry. 

Wipe off all surfaces, but do not rinse the surfaces, you want the bleach to remain. Set the trim in some direct sunlight after wiping with the bleach mixture. Use Trisodium Phosphate, or TSP, or automatic dishwasher detergent to scrub the concrete.

There are recipes for mold cleaners on the internet, you want to find one that will kill the mold. There is one recipe at this site, and it works really well. It will help you to get rid of all the mold in your home.


8.Seal Moldy Areas After They Dry


You will need to put out a dehumidifier and fans to dry out all the areas that were cleaned. You need to let the fans stay at least for three days, and then check to see if there is any more mold. If there is more, then you need to repeat the process until all mold is all gone. 

Once that you are sure that all the mold is gone, then you need to seal the wood areas. You can use a pigmented shellac or an oil-based primer to seal the wood. You can then repaint the surfaces with a latex paint that contains a mildewcide. Put in new insulation and drywall and then put the trim back on. Make sure that you have solved the moisture problem, or you will have to repeat the entire process. 

 Once that you have followed these steps, you should have all the mold remediated from your home. It is still best to call a professional to get this job done just to make sure that all the steps are followed and there is no unhealthier mold in your home. 


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