Another year and another Sundance film festival that leaves us with an array of new films and documentaries, but we thought it would be a good idea to take a look at what others said about this event that’s supposed to launch us into the Indie movie world and what might be the new wave of creators, producers and directors.

The Rolling Stone Magazine said about the Sundance Film Festival 2020, “ It was a really strong year for documentaries ranging from just-the-facts-ma’am journalism to ecstatic-truth experiments, as well as stories about women fighting against the slings and arrows of various rigged systems… ” with a 44% of the features directed by women.

The Guardian was also covering the event, and was quick to lay out their opinion since the opening act: 

”As glamorous as covering the Sundance film festival can be – this year’s opening night delivered Taylor Swift to wintry Park City, Utah – it’s an assignment that can make a critic feel like a dog. You’re constantly nosing around for new treasures: buzzy finds, hopefully wonderful. You’re eating scraps at parties or in alleys. You always have to pee.”

And Indiewire was quick to point out that “This year’s Sundance Film Festival broke several records, from diversity in its programming to sales,” but quickly went to question the quality of the movies, and to them “They Delivered”.

In fact, “… As it turns out, the festival more than delivered: Culled from 15,000 submissions, the 2020 edition offered up a range of timely, boundary-pushing documentary storytelling, promising new voices and satisfying new heights from established filmmakers.”

We know that most people are focused on the upcoming Oscars 2020. However, if the Oscars are like the Kentucky Derby horse race for cinema enthusiasts, the Sundance Festival is more like The Breeders’ Cup, where we can see movies from upcoming directors.

Some of the movies that impressed the media were:

“Boys State”

By the Co-directors Jesse Moss and Amanda McBaine, this incredible documentary is about the process that takes place in the Texas AL Boys State program, with an incredible level of the deepness into what happened and intimacy with the ideas and attempts of the attendings.

The documentary worked as a clear demonstration of what is happening in the US with the political system, the use of tactics including the cynical balances and ideas of the old left-right ideology. The boys are separated into 2 parties and need to form a mock government. Incredible.

Never Rarely Sometimes Always”

Incredibly real and condemnatory demonstration of the life of female teenagers done by Eliza Hittman. The tale of two young women on a trip from a small town, to a big city, to terminate a pregnancy. Part of the chronicle from the Rolling Stone Magazine article defines it quite clearly:

“… It’s a movie that views negotiating constant sexual harassment as a given for young women, but concentrates more on the sisterly bond between these two teens as they deal with small-town mentalities and big-city obstacles…”



A documentary by Garrett Bradley, narrating the life of Fox Rich as her husband spends 20 years behind bars, her way to raise their 6 children, the arc of her life during which  she turned into a great activist to reform the jail and justice system.

The sort of black and white diary and the way Bradley manages it gives it “… a structure that lets Rich’s story flow like water.” In words of Indiewire.

“Dick Johnson Is Dead”

Not quite and at the same time, it happened any times in the head of Kirsten Johnson… His daughter. The documentary is a celebration of living and a reminder of the unavoidable loss of a loved one.

In words of  Rolling Stone Magazine  “… This may be the most lighthearted, uplifting movie about death ever concocted, as well as an act of catharsis for both those behind the camera and in the audience… “

This are some of the most mentioned and regarded films mentioned by them look them up, enjoy them and tell your views on them.