How Can Universities Prepare Students for Work

Prepare Students for Work

What is the expectation of employers from a graduate? Do they just walk into work and feel comfortable? Prepare Students for Work

This question is becoming increasingly important around the globe as tighter employment markets mean that this question is more pressing than ever. It was announced last week that less then 70% of Japan’s 2010 graduates had been able to find work by December, which is a record low. This is an important issue for all students but especially for international students. And even if you are still a student, do not hesitate to ask for help even to buy definition essay.

How Can Universities Prepare Students for Work

Return on investment

Students put a lot of effort and money into their education. They expect a high return. A study in the UK found that nearly half of all graduate jobs are held by people who have been employed in companies that employ them.

They were mostly interns and only half of them received a salary, which was a substantial increase over previous years. The cost of higher education is already high, so students are forced to work for nothing after graduating from university.

It also limits the pool of workers available to employers to those coming from wealthy backgrounds, which in turn leads to political arguments about excluding others. Master’s degree programs are an increasingly popular option to overcome the low job prospects of bachelors-level graduate.

Employers love them because they produce experts who are quick and can be useful. The student has better employment prospects. According to many studies around the globe, they also have higher lifetime earnings than people who have a PhD. In addition, universities benefit from the rising cost of master’s degrees.

Teaching ’employability- Prepare Students for Work

But is there another route? The UK has a number of universities, both old and new. Some, like Liverpool John Moores, Leicester and Surrey John Moores, have taken steps towards making their graduates more employable.

They assist students in obtaining a job by showing them how to dress appropriately, present themselves well at interviews, and what to include on a resume. It isn’t easy. They teach people how to manage their organization once they’ve joined it. Modules can be found on managing people, being a productive colleague and getting things done.

Employers seldom say that graduates do not know enough about accounting or chemistry. Many complain instead that they don’t know how their academic knowledge can be applied in the workplace.

Recently, on recruiter said to this writer that about one-third of the company’s graduate hires don’t work out. This failure rate would be unacceptable in any other context.

Keys to Success

Universities in Europe, however, are less likely to hear such complaints. This is partly due to the fact that their courses involve more employers. Because they are more stable, graduates tend to be more mature and older. It is possible to add workplace skills to your academic studies. However, universities also have advantages.

QS World University Rankings asks employers their favorite universities to recruit from. In order to improve the university’s profile with employers, it is important to keep in touch with them. This will make them more likely and more likely to hire from that university. Many national ranking system use some measure to determine employment success.

Does it apply to all subjects?- Prepare Students for Work

Even more troubling is the next step, which involves going beyond these limited voluntary programs. There are plenty degrees in professional fields like engineering, medicine, and law where the profession sets standards and work placements are necessary. However, making work experience compulsory would be a major step.

First, there are no major industries that employ history and other university students. Also, could these skills be credited as part of a course that confers credit? A degree would never be granted to someone who has failed all the modules in academics but fails the work skills component.

This question is important for anyone who is interested in ranking the top universities worldwide. If students and recruiters value relationships with employers, then they should be considered in ranking criteria.

But employers and their employment practices differ widely across countries, so it would not be easy to create a common way of evaluating them. Universities with more science, medicine, and technology will perform better on these measures. Additionally, we know from experience that citations data is a major factor in university ranking systems.

One solution is to not add this measure to existing university ranking and to instead develop specific rankings to cover this aspect. QS already has rankings for individual subjects. These include recruiting feedback. We would love to hear your opinions about this development.