Save Your Lawn and Enjoy More Sports With the Help of an Artificial Turf Contractor


For many Americans, having a lush green lawn is becoming more and more difficult as the weather becomes dryer and more intense. Droughts are happening with higher frequency and lasting even longer than ever before, leading towns and cities in a crisis, and restricting uses for citizens to preserve what they can. While this can mean death for natural lawns and sports fields across the nation, those who have gone the route of replacing their grass with artificial turf have nothing to be concerned about.

Born of the need for improvement

Starting back in the 1950s, artificial turf made its debut in the world with the purpose of replacing natural grass for sporting events, described more in detail here. Inclement weather conditions, as well as costly maintenance and care for real grass, were becoming an obstacle to the regular use of fields for practices and games. Rather than try to fight mother nature and the unpredictable forces of weather, we found a solution: artificial replacement of turf and grass from these fields. Allowing for easier upkeep of arenas and fields of all kinds for any sporting event, artificial turf became the obvious choice for large stadiums of both professional league and minor league sports teams.

As it grew in popularity and became more common across the country, normal citizens began to see the value in using artificial turf as a solution to difficult lawns that require constant care and maintenance to keep looking neat and healthy. By using recycled rubber pieces, even from previously installed turf in other sports stadiums, you’re able to achieve a natural appearance without the hassle of regular upkeep like mowing and watering. Freeing you from committing a whole day of your weekend spent weeding, edging, mowing, and watering your lawn, artificial turf can release your free time from responsibility and give you back your YOU time.

Artificial is better, no matter the weather

When you’re ready to make the change, the first thing you should do is find a reputable and trustworthy artificial turf contractor. You need look no further than the fine folks at Quality Turf AZ, who offer seasoned, expert advice and quality installation. Using the right tools and getting the best advice before committing to an installation, you can be sure you’re going to get the maximum life and usage out of the artificial turf you choose to replace a lawn.

Be it beating sun and sweltering heat leaving neighboring yards to burn to a brown crisp in the long daylight, or harsh winters that freeze the ground solid and drench the earth as it melts, ruining your lawn’s careful manicuring, there are plenty of reasons to consider an alternative to the traditional. If you’re worried about the effect your lifestyle may have on it, fret not! Pet messes can easily be cleaned off with a hose, and it’s safe for fur babies, and human ones, too! Run, jump, play, live, your artificial turf can handle it with no trouble, and no lingering damage to be concerned about.

For a more balanced look into the benefits and possible detriments of artificial turf, you can click this link:

As the weather continues to shift and grow more intense and unyielding, it may feel like keeping any kind of natural appearing aesthetic in your yard will be impossible. This is not so in the case of artificial turf, which is designed to mimic natural grass appearances in color, texture, and the shape of grass blades. Installed with special matting, water from a hose, sprinkler, or rain can run off safely and prevent your yard from becoming a swamp or small pond. No more muddy shoes when coming in from running the dogs outside to potty, or letting the kids jump around in puddles.

Looking into the pros and cons of artificial turf, you can make an informed decision before seeking professional advice. Knowing exactly what your wants and needs are for the turf will give the expert a clear insight on how best to get you started with a lawn that will blow you away.