7 Bathroom Design Trends to Avoid


Designing a bathroom is a home improvement project that will drastically increase the overall value of your household, as well as the quality of life within your home. The problem with a bathroom design lies in the fact that there are so many ideas that look good on paper (or screen) yet people who have actually tried them have a bad experience regarding them. Therefore, doing the research on the subject matter might be advised beforehand. Here are the top 5 trends you should avoid Bathroom Design at all costs.

1. Switching the layout

Changing the layout is a horrible idea you should avoid Bathroom Design for several reasons. First of all, your toilet, faucet and shower are in positions that were determined while the home was being constructed. This is why the piping was laid down the way it was. The problem with this idea lies in the fact that you would have to do complete plumbing work in order to move your toilet or a tub slightly. In the end, it’s never really worth it.

As an alternative, you can replace the fixtures in question, paint the place, replace the tiles or go with something completely different regarding the style of your bathroom. Still, you need to start with the fact that the location of each major fixture in your bathroom is too big of a hassle to replace or shift. Once you adopt this idea, you’ll be in the right mindset to make all the subsequent design-based decisions. This alone would provide you with a great general idea of your future focus. Keep in mind that this restriction isn’t nearly as severe as it may appear at first.

Switching the layout

2. Wall-mounted faucets

Previously, we’ve talked about problems that can potentially be caused by complications in your plumbing. Now, if you plan to keep things simple, it’s generally a good idea to just avoid wall-mounted faucets. This is a simple aesthetic choice that you won’t really appreciate that much and the majority of your home’s visitors or residents won’t even notice.

At the same time, it’s something that will make plumbing maintenance and tending to various plumbing issues so much harder to pull off. Keep in mind that the choice of the fixture, the color of the fixture and the general feel of the area remain the same regardless of what choice you make. So, why not go with something that will make your life easier in the long run. Do yourself a favor and stick to the countertop-installed faucet.

3. Oversized tubs

Getting an oversized tub is usually not a good idea you should avoid Bathroom Design. First of all, it’s a proper disaster from an ecological standpoint, seeing as how it will take a lot more water for a single bath than it normally would. Sure, you might like the idea of getting a tub that can fit multiple people in it, however, try being realistic about how often you will actually use the tub this way. Instead, try going for something simpler and more straightforward. A smaller freestanding tub can be seen as a far superior solution. As of lately, some people are even going for a tub in the shower.

Generally speaking, a shower is usually a superior alternative. Taking a shower is quicker than taking a bath. It’s also more hygienic and it saves quite a bit of water. Showers are also easier to clean, they are less expensive to install and take less space. Seeing as how the majority of bathrooms are small (in comparison to the rest of the rooms within the household). This means that the size of the option that you go for may actually make a difference.

4. Ignoring the functionality

Perhaps the biggest mistake that you can make while designing the bathroom is ignoring the functionality of the bathroom. For instance, if, in the past, you’ve had trouble with clogged pipes, now’s the time to tend to them. Look at it this way, while replacing pipes, you’ll have to break tiles or walls to get to them. Why not use the tile replacement as the opportunity to do any additional plumbing work. Other than this, you might also want to look a bit more into commercial hot water repairs for your bathroom in order to restore its functionality.

Going green is another option worth considering. Sure, replacing all your light fixtures with LED is a minor process and you don’t have to wait for a bathroom remodeling in order to handle it. However, replacing various fixtures with low-flow alternatives might be a different story altogether.

Ignoring the functionality

5. Ignoring the door clearing

One of the things that are the easiest to overlook is the door clearing. Sure, a seasoned architect is not likely to make this mistake but a person looking to remodel their bathroom just might. There’s always a problem with the bathroom space, which makes people cram items more heavily than they normally would. One thing that they tend to overlook is the room that it takes in order to open the door. Still, this problem isn’t necessarily just about doors. Drawer clearing can be just as big of an issue.

So, how to overcome this issue? First, you should envision yourself using the bathroom. Second, you need to take a minimalist approach to this whole issue. Keep in mind that the issue of storage isn’t restricted to the bathroom. Second, consider utilizing the unused space in the room, like the ceiling or the higher sections of the walls. There are many incredible racks and mountable shelves that you should definitely take into consideration. Buying and installing them is fairly simple but it does make the difference.

Ignoring the door clearing

6. Rustic doors

Rustic doors or barn doors are an interesting idea that can make your bathroom quite unique-looking. The problem with this type of doors lies in the fact that you might have to make the replacement sooner than you think. The problem with the choice of materials for your bathroom is the fact that you need something great for a moist and humid atmosphere. This is something that a lot of people designing the place tend to overlook.

So, how do you choose a suitable bathroom door? As for the design type, pocket doors are amazing because they save floor space. As for the material, plastic and polyvinyl chloride are just as viable as wood, plywood and wood-plastic composite. You have a plethora of choice so choose wisely.

7.  Glam bathrooms

The last entry on this list isn’t necessarily a bad idea but it’s generally a difficult one to explain. Sure, a glam bathroom is expensive but there are some people who are able and willing to finance it. Then again, glam bathrooms require an insane amount of maintenance. First of all, they need to be immaculate in order to look the part. Second, the signs of wear and tear on them are much more severe.

On the other hand, by going for a rustic or industrial look, you’ll provide your bathroom with a lot more visual durability. This is the look that will remain the same indefinitely. Sure, these styles don’t exactly fit the same niche and might not fit your home as a whole but it’s definitely worth your while to give them a chance.

In conclusion

The worst thing you can do regarding the logistics of a bathroom design remodeling is to rush things. Instead of forcing things and hoping they’ll be done in a matter of days, you should, instead, take months to plan this. This will allow you to do your research, shop around and even exploit some discounts. Remember, you don’t have to buy everything from the same supplier. Sometimes, making your own offer might make a massive difference in regards to following these trends you should avoid Bathroom Design at all costs. read more